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NLE | Real-time Video Editor & Text Adder Tool

Video Editing and adding/ editing text is inherent at any Broadcast Station before a story goes on-air. Producers often find adding graphics to video content for broadcast or streaming, which is time-consuming.

WASP3D brings you NLE Plugin & Render to Disk (R2D) to templatize 3D CG overlays and manage the video editor’s rendering needs for faster production.

NLE Plugin allows editors to access all templates and scenes created only once by designers, within the edit software’s environment, thus ensuring a quicker delivery of videos.

Once a template is created and saved in Drone Designer, the NLE – Real-time Video Editor & Text Adder Tool allows access for modification of the template as per need. For e.g. A template for Name Strap needs to be created only once by the designer. This template can be accessed directly in the editing environment by the editor through NLE – Live video editor and text adder software and can be modified or updated then and there. This eliminates the need to resort to offline software to re-create or re-render overlays.

Load templates to the timeline with a simple drag and drop. Fully control and customize variables like data, colors, layouts, etc., to create new refreshing looks from a single template. Drastically reduce back and forth of files with the graphic department.

R2D – Render-to-disk, smoothly renders 3D graphics and videos to optimize aired content. File formats & Compressions can be selected, which helps users to render the same data and template in various video formats (e.g. render with alpha, render with compression codecs, render various video formats, png or tiff image sequences) thus saving time and effort.

Key Features

Video Samples

Importing WASP Template in EDIUS